ASCIS2023 Jeopardy Finals: Secbiz-Library Web Challenge

ASCIS2023 Jeopardy Finals: Secbiz-Library Web Challenge

The ASCIS CTF is an annual Vietnam CTF challenge that many teams from ASEAN countries will participate. This year, the CTF consists of 3 rounds, Warmup Round which requires teams to at least solve 1 challenge to proceed with the next round; Semi-Finals, and 2 different Finals, in which top20 overall teams will be playing Attack and Defense CTF, while the remaining teams continue the Jeopardy CTF.

This challenge is a web challenge from the ASCIS CTF Semi-Finals. When first access the webpage, it shows a plain html site with a huge list of html files within it (rfcxxxx.html).


A python file can be downloaded to view the backend of the website. At first, through the overall review, it seems to me like its LFI vulnerability, and I had spent certain period of time to try to do path traversal attacks. Later on, it was discovered that the DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED requires a value and by default is set to None. Hence it raise suspicion to our team.

Source Code

Through analysing and testing, it was found out that there is possibility to execute Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) attack onto the system. Through the help of hacktricks SSTI cheatsheet, i was able to found that the SSTI type is Jinja2. To ease the testing process, I had used burpsuite to intercept the network traffic and had sent it to repeater to test out the attack.

Types Of SSTI

By injecting {{7*7}}?DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED=1 the POC for SSTI is success as it outputs as 49.


So, going through the cheatsheet, i was able to find a suitable injection that can be done to run bash command. Using {{namespace.__init__.__globals__.os.popen('id')}}, it outputs the user details within the system.


Then by changing the 'id' to other command I was able to inject commands through SSTI. At first I was trying to list out where the files is within the system by using 'ls', but nothing much was found beside a that I did not find much in help.


My team member gave me an idea to run 'env' command to list out all the environment variables, and it was found out that a variable call FLAG_DIR provides the directory to the flag.


So by injecting 'cat /opt/y5oyqodQ3BCjCdVSxQuL' I was able to retrieve the flag.


Flag: ASCIS{fr0m_jinja2_with_l0v3_w2sLxD9EnmmFRTtB8joX}

ASCIS2023 Jeopardy Finals: Secbiz-Library Web Challenge



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